Oooooh I hope you are ready for some burpees!
I know burpees have a bed rep but they are super helpful and are a great whole body workout!
Your challenge this week is to complete 300 burpees. No, you don’t have to do them all at once. You can actually break them up anyway you want throughout the week just as long as you complete all 300 by the end.
You can also do any burpee modifications you need to be successful. These challenges are not all or nothing. If you can’t do the push up part of a burpee then don’t! Modify them and do what is right for you. My goal here is to get you moving and to have you push yourself. It is not to make you do something and get hurt.
If burpees are completely off the table for you because of a medical reason and your doctor told you not to do them, then please don’t do them! Don’t say well this girl online challenged me to do it so I did them anyway. That is not a good idea!
If you can’t do burpees at all find a movement you can do and do 300 of those throughout the week! Just get moving!
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